leakey family造句


  1. The Leakey family remains a major player in the field.
  2. Many of the Leakey family have made contributions to archaeology and anthropology.
  3. "Ancestral Passions : The Leakey Family and the Quest for Humankind's Beginnings"
  4. The skull was identified by Meave Leakey, a member of the famed fossil-hunting Leakey family.
  5. The Leakey family became a name associated with human origins, particularly the search for the first human.
  6. It's difficult to find leakey family in a sentence. 用leakey family造句挺难的
  7. She maintained the Leakey family tradition of palaeoanthropology by training her son, Richard, in the field.
  8. The label Abbevillian prevailed until the Leakey family discovered older ( yet similar ) artifacts at Olduvai Gorge ( a . k . a.
  9. If you look just at specimens that the Leakey family has found you can pretty much reconstruct human evolution without having to worry about any other sites,
  10. His work also took him to remote areas of Sri Lanka, Thailand, Borneo and South Africa, where he made friends with the famous fossil-hunting Leakey family.
  11. The Oldowan industry is named after discoveries made in the Olduvai Gorge of Tanzania in east Africa by the Leakey family, primarily Mary Leakey, but also her husband Richard.
  12. Olduvai Gorge, site of the Leakey family's famous paleoanthropological discoveries _ including humanoid footprints more than 3 1 / 2-million years old _ has a haunted feel.
  13. Through a series of striking and well-publicized finds from the 1930s to the present, the Leakey family made their name virtually synonymous in the public mind with fossil discoveries.
  14. The obituary of Sherwood Washburn, sent by the New York Times News Service on Tuesday, April 18, misstated the area of Africa where he befriended the fossil-hunting Leakey family.
  15. Her first contact with the Leakey family was working for the Tigoni Primate Research Centre while taking her Ph . D . At this time, the centre was being administered by Louis Leakey.
  16. If the issue becomes an Australopithecus afarensis vs . Kenyanthropus platyops debate, it could reopen old wounds from previous conflicts between the Leakey family and Johanson, which became acrimonious after the Lucy discovery.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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